Lorena Mejias Martinez, who previously did a student project with our group, rejoins us as researcher until the end of 2022 to help out with protein purification. Welcome back, Lorena!
Monthly Archives: November 2022
Our lab was awarded a research grant, together with the Carlas Smith lab (faculty of 3ME, TU Delft) to develop and employ novel single-molecule instrumentation. Funding is being provided by NWO. Looking forward to working together!
Nynke and Daniel will be representing the lab at the Single Molecule Biophysics meeting to be held in Aspen (USA) in January. We are looking forward to this meeting, particularly as the 2021 edition was cancelled as a result of the pandemic.
Nynke Dekker and David Rueda (Imperial College London) are delighted to report that the Ecole de Physique has scheduled the SMB Les Houches meeting: Sunday January 28 – Friday February 2, 2024! We are already looking forward to it. But first of course there’s the one and only SMB meeting […]